Topic outline

  • In this project you will share the answers to these 4 questions with the collaborating schools students:

    1. Who Am I?
      Discovering personal skills ( = Gardner intelligenceWhat are my roots?
    2. What are my roots
      Discovering my family roots
    3. What Do I Want To Be When I become an adult?
    4. What do I need to do, to achieve my goal.

    Detailed information about this project is  available to read in

  • 1. Who Am I? WAI

     In this topic you describe yourself shortly.

    Assignment 1
    In the first assigment we invite you toy write shortly about:

    1. What is you given first name?
      ( N.B. Please do not share your family name.)
    2. Do you know the meaning and origin and history of your given name?
      Tell shortly about it.
    3. What language(s) do you speak?
    4. How old are you?
    5. What school grade are you in?
    6. In what country and town or village do you live?
      N.B. Please do not share your street adress, phone or email.
    7. What intelligence is your best?
      HINT: See topic "5- Empathic skills below.

    8. Do not share your photo.
    9. If you participated in the DD project  "Describe my self, your draw me" project" share the drawing.

    Assignment 2
    In the second assignment( WAI B) for this topic, you are asked to write about your empathic skills.

    Are you good at understanding yourself, your own feelings and motivations? 
    Hint. Have a look at the topic 5-empathic skills below  


  • 2. What are my roots

    In this topic you answer these questions and follow these advices:

    1. Have you moved from the city where you were born?
    2. Make a family tree
      Look back into the history of your family
    3. Was life the same for our ancestors as it is for you today?
      Try to picture what life was like for your relatives 100 years ago.
    4. Do you have any old photos of your family?
  • 3. What Do I Want To Be When I’m Older?

    Describe your dream as an adult, e.g.

    1. profession
    2. family life
  • 4. How to reach my goal.

    What school topics are important (math, language, science...)
    What schools are to go to (High school, University...)

  • 5. Empathic skills.

    There are many kind of intelligences.

    The Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner developed the so called The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, that says  that all people
    have different kinds of "intellige
    He listed these eight kind of intelligences:

    Gardners 8 intelligences

    Interpersonal intelligence that is the same as
    "understanding and interacting with other people"

    You learn to understand others by learning about yourself, that is.developing  intrapersonal skills, which means that you
    "become more aware of your own emotional states, feelings, and motivations." 
    This is often called empathic skills."

    I took the image and some senteces from
    here you find more information about your intelligence.

    The importance of intrapersonal intelligence or empathy

    Whatever work you will do as an adult, empathy is a very important skill for your success.

    Good empathy is also known to lead to better results in school and University as you become better in avoiding conflicts and better in collaboration.

    The importance of empathy