How to Participate to Doves Project

REGISTRATION DATA (Preparatory work)


1. Register to the project by the Application form   or by email to the coordinator Larisa 

2. Rules: READ carefully and MAKE SURE you are able to comply with requests

2. Join to the Global Kidlink Doves for Peace FB Group and write a short post to introduce you. Meet the teachers involved in the project. 

3. Become  a member of  Kidlink (free of charge) to get username and password to work in Kidspace

4. Introduce your school/group by creating a School Introduction Page under  Students Activity 2014-15. 



1. Students Activities 

2. Students Registration.  It is OPTIONAL. You can register them later. Read here: Why and How to register my students

3. Students works Publication.   Read here how your students can publish their works and post comments

4. Global Dialogue 



  • Teachers display to their students the School Introduction Page formerly created  under  Students Activity 2014/15  and invite them to add more details to promote a better  knowledge among the students.
  • Students prepare sheets of paper in the shape of a dove. 
  • Students collaborate to compose their own peace messages and letters and write them  on their Peace doves
  • The content of the letters should contain the information about their place of living. The main symbols of the country, traditions and culture should  be presented in the messages
  • Teachers pack everything in packages and sends to school participants. There supposed to be 4-5 schools in a group exchange.
  • All steps of the project should be video recorder  or photographed and sent to the coordinator of the project who will illustrate  the phases of the project at the end.
  • Students will get packages from different countries with whom they exchanged Doves of Peace
  • Teachers too are invited to publish in their School Introduction pages, photos or texts or video and share comments with partners in  their pages.
  • Students, if registered,  may exhibit their "Doves" in their pages and share comments with others. Look at the follow points 2. and 3.


2Students Registration.  It is OPTIONAL. You can register them later. Read here: Why and How to register my students

3. Students works Publication  Read here how your students can publish their works and post comments

4. GLOBAL DIALOGUE - The global dialog is the main part of the project. It is important to let the kids dedicate time to do this. Do not let therefore the creative part takes to long time. Read more in  Kidlink Dialogue

  • During the project you can communicate with classes and teachers in f.b. “Doves for peace” Kidlink closed group
  • enlightenedOne possible dialog, if students have registered, created their pages and have posted their doves,    is done by writing comments in the other students pages. Write eg  an evaluation of that page. What do you thing is missing in the page? What questions should have been interesting to raise? It is important to be kind and constructive making good suggestions.
  • Another dialog can be done organizing eg a skype chat. Prepare questions you did not find answers to in the students pages. It is important to choose a few students who will be ambassadors for your class.We encourage any creativity in doing this project so as communucation with Skype or Google Hangout, Twitter, blogging or emails.


How to support your registered students dialogue 

In "Kidspace", the dialogue is done by students when they interact with each other by inserting comments in the pages of their partners with the approval of their teachers, or by talking in Skype.

  • Teachers have to encourage their students to visit the pages of their partners in the project. On the bottom of each Kidspace page you can click on the nickname of the page's author.
  • Students  have to use the option [Add Comment] in order to a success of the project and to leave public messages in their partners'pages.
  • Sometimes comments can be very trivial, with only a word like e.g. "Cool" or "Wow"... but kids should be helped to built better relationships with a more structured dialogue. Look at Conversional writing - colloquial tone at Dialogue Teory.
  • Students can dialogue by chat too. For each project is possible to organize a moderate chat in Skype where students involved in the project can talk.
  • Teachers can support their students'work, by writing in their pages comments with suggestions to improve what they do or to encourage

Let your students have dialogue and give time for this. The project will profit from it! 
