
Mission Nutrition


    Mission Nutrition Project Outline
    Register for this Project

    Level: 2nd - 6th grade ( 7 -12 Year Olds)

    Curriculum Connections: Science, Nutrition, Cultures,

    Project Length : Runs for 8 Weeks starting February 1 - March 31st

    Requirements: Interest in learning about good nutrition and foods from different cultures.

    Description: Students in a number of different classes from around the globe will keep a food diary before and after they learn about good nutrition. They will learn about foods eaten in other geographical regions or ethnic cultures. After studying about healthy nutrition, the students will again keep a week long diary and graph the changes they made in their diet.

    Standards Met in this Unit

    Objectives - Students will:

    • Keep a food diary at the beginning of the project and again at the end.
    • Graph the changes indicated on the food diaries.
    • Communicate with peers around the globe by posting descriptions of a native food from each category on the food pyramid.
    • Use higher order thinking skills to create and solve puzzles about nutrition.


    Week 1: Identification of participating schools. Classes send messages of introduction to the other schools. Students will complete their individual beginning food diary.

    Week 2: Classes will study about Carbohydrates on the Food Pyramid, and as a class describe foods in that category that are favorites or unique to their geographic location.

    Week 3: Classes will study the Fruits and Vegetables Groups on the Food Pyramid, then as a class describe foods in that category that are favorites or unique to their geographic location.

    Week 4: Classes will study the Milk & Dairy Food Groups on the Food Pyramid, then as a class, describe foods in that category that are favorites or unique to their geographic location.

    Week 5: Classes will study the Fats & Oils Group on the Food Pyramid, then as a class or individually, describe foods in that category that are favorites or unique to their geographic location.

    Week 6: Students will again keep their food diaries, and report the changes from their beginning diaries. Students will graph their individual results in a double bar or line graph. Classes will post a class created perfect menu for a well balanced diet.

    Week 7 - Assessment: Students will post their solution to the following problem on the Discussion List and create a "Nutrition Mystery" of their own:

    "Megan's friend Joe was complaining that he was always tired, and that he had a cut on his leg that wouldn't heal. Megan noticed that Joe ate junk food for lunch every day and thought that a better diet might help improve his situation. Megan tried to tell Joe to change what he is eating, but he didn't believe that would make a difference. Write a comment to Megan on this node telling her the facts that you learned in this unit that would help her convince Joe that she is right."

    Week 8 - Classes will hold a "Multicultural Feast" in the classroom with well balanced meals consisting of foods they've learned about from other participants. Online chat offered for participation during the celebration.

    Process for Writing and Accepting Work

    Weeks 1-2: The class will write its introduction and post it in KidSpace.
    Week 2- 6: Classes in each school will study the web pages and other resources on the appropriate Food Group, and post a class description of an ethnic or geographically based food.
    Week 7: Individual students will post their solution to the Assessment problem on the discussion list.

    Week 8 : Celebration in the classroom with a multicultural well balanced meal. They will share their reactions to these foods on the Discussion Board.

    If you have any other questions, write to -

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