
Students Team 3 -Group B

Jhoan Esteban Cortes
 I am a boy. AGE:11 The shape of the face: round. The expression of  My face looks nice. The shape of my mouth: thin lips.  I have a small nose. My eyes are black. My eyebrows are thin and curved. My eyelash are: long and large. My ears are: they are small. My hair is: long and soft, is black
Nicolas Esteven
I am a boy. Age: 10 The shape of the face: square. 

my complexion is: fair. The expression of my face (usually): would The shape of my mouth: thin. My nose is: medium. My eyes are: big and black. My eyesbrows:  thin and straight. My eyelash are:  long and curved. My ears are: Big. My hair is: Dark, short and straight

Danna Katalina Gantiva

I am a girl. The shape of the face: round. My complexion  is  white. The expression of my face (usually):  serious. The shape of my mouth: protuberant lips with good white teeths. My nose is: straight and short, My eyes are: big and dark brown. My eyebrows are: thin and  black. My eyelash   are short and black. My ears are: medium size. My hair is:  long, straight and black. I love to play taken. My favourite food is pizza.

 Estefania Garzon Hernandez__________      AGE _10____  
he shape of the face:round. My complexion  is ..white... The expression of my face (usually): happy and smilly I am thin......The shape of my mouth..thin......My nose is:...wide..........My eyes are: .....big and light brown .....My eyebrows are: ......thin brown....My eyelash are .........long  brown..My ears are:......little  ones......My hair is: blond, straight and very long, until  my waist. I love to use headbands with lace.........
Hernandez Santiago


I am a very handsome boy. Eyes:green. my flesh: pick. I like it: pizza. I like it: football. I am: tall and thinI'm: strong. my hair is:straight, blonde and short, my eyelashes are short and blonde, My mouth is small, with thin lips and a big smile.

 Stefania Loaiza Fandiño

Age:  10

The Shape of Face: Oval My Complexion Is: brunnette

My Expression of My Face: Happy . My Nose Is: normal. My Eyes Are: Dark Brown.  My Eyebrows Are: Thin And Round. My Eyelash Are: Short. My Ears Are: Short My Hair Is: Black, long and straight.

 Page updated 2016-04-21 16:22:26
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