
Group 4

Andrea S.

I am a female. I have a round face and my chin is round. I am tan and I have big eyes and they are dark brown and my top eyelashes are long and my bottom are short. I have thin lips and they are pink and red. I’ am smiling all the time and when I am I have rosy cheeks when smile. I have a medium size nose. I have long hair and it is in a braid or a high ponytail. I have dark blonde with little highlights.  For the braid it is to the side just like my ponytail. My ears medium-size the lobe is not attached. I do wear earrings.

Mia T.I am a girl and my face is round. I have whitish-blue eyes. I got average size mouth. My eyes are average distance and are almond shaped. I got a rounded nose and I got dimples when I smile. and my hair is 37 centimeters long and is strawberry blond and I got freckles from one cheek across my nose and to the other cheek my lips are skinny like a pencil I got a cleft chin absent and I have a pale face with rosy cheeks and my ears are free I have a little scar by my eye and I got blond eyelashes top eyelashes are long and bottom eyelashes are short I have my ears double pierced so can put two earrings in both ears and I got blond eyebrows and they are skinny and i got bangs.
by Elya S.
Isaiah V.I am a male.My overall face shape is square, but my chin is round.My skin tone is very light brown.I do not have a widow’s peak.My hair is short and straight hair.I have fine eyebrows.My eyebrows are not connected.My eyes are dark green.My eyes are an average distance apart.I have an average eye size.The shape of my eyes are almond.I have barely slanted eyes.I have short eyelashes.I have an average size mouth.I have thin lips.My Lip protrusion is absent.My dimples are present.I have a medium size nose.I have a rounded nose.My nostril shape is pointed.I have un-attached ears.I have a Darwin’s earpoint.My ear pits are present.I do not have hairy ears.My cheek freckles are absent.My forehead freckles are absent.I have brown hair and it is straight.I have long hair it is about 2 inches long.
Kathryn W.To start out, I am a female. My face is a more round egg shape. The small part (top) is my chin, and the big part (bottom) is my forehead. My chin is not super prominent, but it sticks out slightly. I have a fair skin tone, which means it’s light like sand, but with some highlights like wet sand. My hair color is a dark brown/black, with some dark red highlights here and there. It has a wave to it, and it’s length is down to my shoulders. Also, just a note, my ears don’t show because my hair is always covering them. I do have bangs, and they go to the right side, with tiny bangs on the left side. My hair part is not in the middle, but more to the left side. My eyebrows are about 2 1/2 centimeters apart, about half a centimeter thick, and 4 1/2 centimeters long. They are dark brown, like my hair, and have a slight arch in the middle area. I have eyes shaped like a football, but they have sharper ends. They start where my eyebrows start, and end a little smaller than the end of my eyebrows.  My iris is rounded, and I have big pupils and irises. I have 3 different colors that make up my eye: a dark blue ring on the outer edge, a fair blue color in the middle, and a light green color near the actual pupil. My eyelashes are fairly long, making a nice arch upwards, like a ski hill, and my bottom lashes are short. I have a slender nose on the bridge, but at the actual nose part, it makes nice rounded half-circles on each side. The tip of my nose is slightly pointed, but it doesn’t stick out. My nostrils are rounded, kind of like the opening of a cave. My cheeks have a slight bubblegum-pink tint to them. I have lips particularly thick, and are about half as long as an eraser. My lips are a light pink color, like cotton candy, and I have a cupid’s bow. My lip’s expression is serious.
Isaac W.I am a male. My head is shaped like a vertically long oval but has a slit of a point at the bottom. My hair is dark brown four centimeter long and parts to the right. I have bangs that are four centimeters. I have sideburns that come down two centimeters less than my earlobes My complexion is the color of a light cream. I have dark-brown almond shape eyes three centimeters apart I have a cheerful smile and a lively expression. My light pink absent lips are partway open to show tinted white teeth. A short and wide nose represents the middle of my face. Along the top of my nose and across my cheeks and forehead hundreds of freckles dot my face. I have light brown disconnected bushy 4 centimeter long eyebrows and one centimeter long black eyelashes. My ears are five centimeters with disconnected earlobes.
By NastyaS
 Page updated 2015-11-10 16:17:55
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