
Clara B

Hello! my name is Clara and I am 14 years old. I am a girl.
I have an oval-round face. I've got regular features.
I have a thin face. I have tan skin. 
I have a mole over my up- lips. My lips are thin and a little bit red.
I have regular features.
I have regular teeth.
My eyes are blue, grey and green. My eyes are thin and expressive.
I have blond, frizzy and curly hair. I usually wear a ban.
My nose is normal and stright.
My eyelashes are long and a little bit blond.
My ears are normal. I usually wear earrings.
I don't wear glasses.
My eye brows are a little bit blond, with a soft angle. They are not connected.
I hope you like my description!

 Page updated 2014-04-16 19:38:10
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