
Sameriah A.

Hello my name is Sameriah and I love to dance, sing, draw and swim. I am a 10 year old girl and I will be 11 soon. My favorite colors are neon green and purple.  I also love to write random songs. I have many siblings. I wear glasses which are black and I always smile.  I have long dark wavy hair that mostly covers my ears. I wear earrings and I have regular sized ears. I have brown eyes and eyebrows with long eyelashes. I have tan and peach skin. I have no freckles or dimples and my eyebrows are not connected. I have a small nose and small lips. My head is round and circular. Hopefully you learned a lot about me and if not let me know! I am very excited to learn about you. Thanks.
 Page updated 2014-04-03 17:31:37
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