

Hi my name is VinsonB. Im 14 years old. Live in SC. Im in Honors classes and a junior scholar. I play football as a wide reciever. Im 5 ft 110 ibs. I enjoy talking to girls and my homies. Im involved in a lot of things at school. I also play baseball. I can bench press 135 and squat 185. Bt now in 2012 i can bench 165 and squat 225 and im also 115 ibs now .Im also a jrotc cadet as a freshmen. Im a corporal.(lame)Bt now im a sergeant first glass.(yyyyyeeeaaaa).
I wanted to start this page to communicate with other people like me and especially girls from around the world. I need advice and Im sure you need advice with something. We can effectivetely communicate with each other like what is new in the streets and everything.

My Problem is: I need to know " How to Love"
I mean like i talk to alot of girls. But some girls set me up by making my girlfriend feel bad and stuff. And the girl who i do have is 16. We really like each other but she has a different mindset then I. so its hard to understand her u know. Also man my grades are slipping like i gt one C on my report caard and my mom spaz out. Like wrd.
My Problem is: Avoiding situations
Ha...Being a junior scholar and a Junior Reserved Officer in the Traning Corps dont mean i dont get in trouble..I get in so much trouble. Whether its beating up somebody, flirting with girls, running for my life or procrastination, Im always on the bad end of the stick. Like in are football game yesterday, i made a huge tackle bt it was a head shot so i gt put out the game. Bt be4 that everything was good. I caught a touchdown and ran a running play for 34 yards be4 a big dude knocked me out. U C everything be all good at first but then i do something crazy...And o yea..When me and my friends
Soo u can contact me if u like so we can conversate about sports and things. Im not a bad guy, Im a good guy. I just believe in things differently like fighting. Down here you have to fight most of the time. Especially short dudes like me because you short. Thats where bullies make mistakes especially the fatter ones. Bt Im a good guy though.real talk. Bruh alot of stuff done happened btween 2011-2012 that im not gonna state it all.


 Page updated 2012-05-10 23:31:41
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