
中秋节 The Mid-autumn Festival


The moon has been the most significant part of Chinese culture for a long time. The ancient Chinese established the precise lunar calendar according to the moon’s revolution. On 15th August (lunar calendar), there is the mid-autumn festival, which is one of the most important festival in China and whose popularity just behind the Spring Festival.


    中秋之夜,月色皎洁,古人把圆月视为团圆的象征,民间 多于此夜合家团聚,故又称团圆节。 中秋节这天,文人们也会聚集在一起赏月作诗。
The ancient Chinese seemed the round moon in the mid-autumn day as a symbol of reunion. Family members would come back home and stay together with their parents or grandparents. Some poet also stay together to appreciate the flawless moon, and moon also inspired them to create poetry.





The symbol of the mid-autumn festival is clay rabbits for the Mid-Autumn Festival. They are made from clay, and were painted after the shaping process. Initially, people created them to offer sacrifice to the moon. But after that, the clay rabbits became toys for children and developed variety of rabbits with some of them really appealing.




Another costume in the Mid-Autumn day is eating the moon cakes. The conventional moon cakes are round so that they represent the reunion is Chinese culture. The traditional moon cakes stuff a great deal of palatable ingredients, such as walnuts, almond, seeds of hawthorn etc. Nowadays, we add more delicious moon cakes, such as ice-cream moon cakes, fruits moon cakes, seafood cakes etc.

 Page updated 2011-08-29 08:02:33
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