
Parents permission

To parent about permission to participate in a Internet Kidlink Project

[school_name] would like to participate in the  [project_name] project organized by Kidlink ( with the class [grade] students. We have found that this project is particularly suited to met curriculum goals in [topic_name]. You find all information about the project at

To participate in Kidlink projects it is necessary for the students to have personal Kidlink accounts. We have found that Kidlink offers a secure moderated environment for our students. Among others, all contributions, works, comments, messages are moderated by hand by Kidlink personel. Family names and emails are well protected. You may see the information about Kidlink privacy in

We kindly ask you for permission to let your son/daughter register in Kidlink. You can either let your son/daughter register from home,  with your supervision or at school with the teachers supervision. This is done at

Please fill the form below and send it back to school.
Thank you,


I [do not] [do] give permission to let my son/daughter _____________________  register in Kidlink in order to participate in the school project.

[signature and phone number]
 Page updated 2010-10-30 18:37:05
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Developed in Coldfusion by Bonnie Thurber, Bob Davis and Patti Weeg.
Rewritten in php by Grace Basilio and maintained by Kidlink Systeam
Copyright ®1990-2027 Kidlink