
Online World


Welcome!  Teachers are welcome to join us with their classes at any time of the school year.

It's easy to talk about your own Country but if you want to know other Countries you have to ask. You can ask books or the Internet but you can also ask people. With this project this is what you have to do: ask other people about their Country!
Some of your school fellows may come from different Countries, ask their parents or grand-parents. You may have the opportunity to have a teacher from another Country so ask him/her questions. You can also have a friend who is not from your Country and who will be happy to tell you everything about the place where he/she comes from.
Remember that the language you use is not their language, English is often the easiest way to understand each other but do not forget Art!

The main task of this project is to help socialization through a better knowledge and comprehension of "the other", trying to overcome the demand of religious, cultural and social imposition and turn it into a cultural model allowing collaboration and contact.



We do believe that Art can help us to know ourselves better, to learn about our inner feelings and senses, and help us to communicate them.
Online World Kids will be welcome to describe their Country and themselves, their attitudes, feelings, home, family, food, games and holidays using all their artistic abilities!


1. Stimulate children and youth to show and use their artistic abilities on the net.
2. Promote contact and sharing between kids and cultures through Art projects.
3. Provide an open, non-commercial space where young people can learn about the net and use it, not only for information but as a tool for human communication.
4. Look for new ways of creating artworks on the net - experiment with the medium to make it a place to be creative.
5. Encourage kids and youth to take direct part in development and improvement of the Art in Kidlink.

Click here to see the drawings of the OnlineWorld Gallery!


  1. Answer the 4 Kidlink questions and get nickname and password (the same for your teacher!).
  2. Class presentation (text + image).
  3. Presentation of the "Country expert".
  4. Country introduction: geography, traditions (typical dishes, festivals, games etc.).
  5. Survival dictionary.
  6. Questions and answers.

How to join the project:

Mail the moderator and, please send the following information:

Teacher's name:
Teacher's email:
Class and number of students:
Chosen Country/ies:

Students' life-skills development:

  • Interpersonal communication skills - Verbal/Nonverbal communication.
  • Decision making - Information gathering skills. Analysis skills regarding the influence of values and attitudes of self and others on motivation. Reflective thinking about the effectiveness of choices.
  • Cooperation and Teamwork skills - Expressing respect for others' contributions and different styles. Assessing one's own abilities and contribution to the group. Sharing ideas, accepting differences, following directions, staying on task, recording ideas.
  • Critical thinking skills - Analyzing peer influences. Analyzing attitudes, values, social norms and beliefs and factors affecting these.
  • Empathy - The ability to feel what another person feels. Service learning.
  • Skills for increasing internal place of control - Self-esteem/confidence building skills. Self awareness skills including self-responsibility, influences, values, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses.

Curriculum Links:

Language Arts/Writing/Reading
Writing a presentation
Writing essays, short stories to express their ideas and feelings
Selecting information
Comparing and contrasting ideas from several sources
Conducting interviews
Using appropriate vocabulary to ensure a clear presentation of text
Using the steps within the writing process
Develop comprehension and analysis when reading questions and stories.
Learn characteristics of description and self portrait as a form of expression

Other Languages
Practising grammar and syntax in a real world situation
Increasing vocabulary

Analyzing data
Classifying information into categories
Using graphic organizers for comparing and contrasting information
Creating timelines and setting goals
Learn geography, maps, cultural diversities in the world, history.

Social Studies
Learn about cultural diversities in the world through the personal description of the students.
Collecting information and learning about different concerns students in different countries have.
Promoting interviews with adults
Using maps to locate countries
Working and negotiating in cooperative groups.
Understanding multiple perspectives among diverse cultures
Applying information for problem solving

Use the computer as a learning tool for writing and communicating with others on real-time
Learn to use computer drawing programs to make and/or resize pictures
Use scanner or digital photos to add photos and drawings
Learn how to use KidSpace software, KidCom chat and mail

Evaluating reliability of information
Justifying and defending opinions
Gathering ideas from human sources - peers and grown ups
Team Management Skills
Communicating ideas clearly

Project Moderator:
Graziella Seveso - Kidlink Italiano

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Developed in Coldfusion by Bonnie Thurber, Bob Davis and Patti Weeg.
Rewritten in php by Grace Basilio and maintained by Kidlink Systeam
Copyright ®1990-2027 Kidlink