Q. 3. How can I be safe?

3. Question: How can I be safe?

enlightened Each "Discussion Questions" and "Activities" are optional. Decide with your students what questions to answer,what activities to work on and which final products you will share here.
enlightenedUsually, the learning process starts with a face-to-face discussion in a classroom or some other meeting place. After the discussion, conclusions and views are shared with peers through the Students personal pages in Kidspace. (Getting Started)

Discussion Questions Activities (suggestion)
1. Do you have a certain time, set by your parents, when you must be homeon weekends? Did you and your parents decide the time together? Arethere different rules for summer and winter?
2. Should parents limit the number of hours that kids watch TV? Do you think TV and videogamesshows have too much violence? Is this harmful to kids?
3. Are your movies rated or classified for age appropriate audiences? What is the cutoff age when you no longer need to be accompanied by anadult?
4. What vaccinations did you get when you were a baby? Are any required before you enter school?
5. If someone is causing you pain or making you feel uncomfortable is there anyone you can talk to?
6. Have you ever  heard of children soldier?

7. Do you think some drugs are dangerous to your health? Are some controversial drugs tolerated in parts of the world?Are there lessons in scho
ol about harmful drugs? Do you think many kidsin your town are hurting themselves by using drugs?
8. A safe environment for kids to grow up in includes a clean earth. Describea "clean earth."


  1. Who looks after you when you are ill? Talk to you parents and make a listof your childhood illnesses and when you had them. Make a bookletabout your 'Medical History' and write about how you were taken careof and how you felt when you were sick.
    2. Do you feel safe in your school? Writean essay, "If I Were in Charge of the School..." Postin your kidlink page
    3. Make a list of things you can do to keep the environment around you clean and safe. Read the contribution of other guys in Voice: Let My Voice Be Heard
    4. Marked on a map of the countries where there are child soldiers. Search the Online Resources and write your thoughts on this reality.
    Save your answers, texts and drawings on your page in Student Activities. You can also open your page in the  "Kidlink Gazette" and publish online what you consider interesting.
enlightenedWrite the answer to the question "What are my rights?". Tell about your likes and dislikes, and the things that make you what you are. Save this answer on your kidspace page in Students'Pages  under Getting Started where you will add the answers to the next three Kidlink questions. See AndrewB as sample
NEXT PAGE:Rights at school