Q 2. The Right to be me and to be Heard

1. The right to be me and to be Heard

enlightenedExplore your natural talents and learn what you do well, analyze what activities give you satisfaction and pleasure, and identify the kind of future lifestyle you want.
enlightenedOnly you can decide what dream is right for you, even though it might need hard work to make it come true!

Discussion Questions Activity (Suggestions)
  • Do you feel that people accept you for who you are?
  • Do kids at school respect your space and right to be yourself?
  • Do kids make fun of kids who are "different?"
  • Are there some kids that you dislike so much th at you think they shouldn't be around you? Is that right?
  • Everyone wants to have a say in matters that affect them. Name some of the circumstances or "matters" that are important to you.
  • Think about a time when you really wanted to have a say in something that affected you but it was denied. How did it make you feel?
  • Are you allowed to make decisions about how you spend your free time for sports or hobbies?
  • Can you display posters in your room?








  • All of you have our own special personalities, hobbies and interests.Think of some things that are small enough to fit into a shoebox that describe you. If you like to draw you might put a box of crayons orinkpens in your "shoebox." If you like music you would put your favorite CD. 

    1. Bring your shoebox and contents to school and share with your classmates. Make a list of the items you would put in your shoebox and pubblish it in your Kidlink page.

  • 2. Make a puppet out of an old sock. Decorate it to show what you look like. Display the puppets for all to see in your Kidlink page

  • 3. Each student writes on separate pieces of paper one positive thing about every other student in the class. The teacher collects the slips of  paper and gathers all the positive statements about each student. The positive statements are sorted by child and typed on one sheet. These lists of positive qualities are then given to the appropriate student.
    4.  As a class, brainstorm a list of issues and circumstances for which kids would like to have some input. Divide your list into three areas:home, school, community. Break into small groups and plan ways thatyour ideas can be heard. Share these with the class.

    5.  Use watercolor or any type of paint and design a poster for your room asking the other members in your house to respect your privacy. Make it *positive*, not negative.


Answer the questions "Rights to be me and to be heard". Add to your saved answers to the questions from the last lesson. Add your drawings for better illustrate your ideas See Milen answer.
NEXT QUESTION: How can I be safe?