
(Where)Tashkent, Uzbekistan

I am Naina Shaydullina from Tashkent, Uzbekistan. My students are participating in Where do I live    module. And here are their works.

I  am  Guzalya  Yuldasheva  from   Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan is  not  a  big  country  in the  world. It's  situated in Center Asia.It's  total  area  is over 447,4  thousand  square  kilometres.The country is not  washed  by  seas and oceans.

The climate  of Uzbekistan is sharply continental,summers  are hot  and  dry,winters  are very cold sometimes. Some parts of our country  are covered  with  mountains and hills.

There are not many rivers in Uzbekistan.The biggest rivers are  the Amu-Darya  and  the Sir-Darya.Uzbe-kistan is very rich  in mineral resourses,such as oil,natural  gas,coal,iron,gold  and  others. There are many sights in Tashkent.You can see many muse-ums,art galleries,theatres   and  monuments  in our capital.There also many big and small towns in Uz-bekistan.Some  of them  is  very old.People  of our  country are proud of Uzbekistan.

My name is Yuliana Semenova.I study at school number 195.

I  consider that  places have personalities.The place where I live has hills,mountains,hot climate,different kinds of fruit and vejetables all year round.   

I do not think that homes are built the same all over the world.They might differ from each other by shape and height. Bricks,concrete,wood and glass are found  in homes in our area.          

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