How Kidlink works

How Kidlink works

Teachers and students can either participate in the numerous collaborative projects or promote their own project through our FB groups and mailing list. 
If teacher wants, t
heir students can participate with out your assistance from their home
, creating by themselves pages in the.. and improve their technological skills, creating by yourself pages in the spaces provided: Kidspace. In this case teacher needs to register them in order to get their passwords. 


To be able to accomplish this, is it necessary for the participants to register for the Kidlink Project and present themselves by answering a few questions in their profile. See more about this below.

Dialog between students

  • Kidlink participants may create content directly in Kidspace with an easy to use editor. They can then write comments on other youths' work, very much like in a blog. See  this page. (Login needs to see the shared comments)
  • The students may participate in online chat sessions Skype or other communication services
  • Read more about Dialog between students.
  • Netiquette is basic for a good dialogue! Read here  

Students'activity: Sharing on Kidspace

  • If the students create their own content from school or home on Kidspace, their teachers or one of our moderators must approve the work before it is made public. The shared management feature makes it easy for many classroom teachers to work in the same projects and check and supervise the work of their students.
  • The may also publish their art in our Gallery. 

Adults, other than moderators are not allowed to contact our youth. But adults are invited to help out in approving youths work and comments.