D/D How to partecipate

 KIDLINK D/D - How to partecipate

 WORKING PHASESenlightenedPlease first of all read the Project Rules


REGISTRATION DATA: (Preparatory work - 2 hours)


  1. Register to the project
    with the Application form   or by email to the coordinator
  2. Write to David Donat
    if you want to participate in Catalan language.
  3. Join to the D/D Project FB Group
    and write a short post to introduce you. Meet the teachers involved in the project. Who will be your partner?surprise
  4. Register to  Kidlink
  5. (free of charge) to get username and password to work in Kidspace
  6. Introduce your school/group
  7. by creating a School Introduction Page under   Artworks 2017 - Spring
  8. Send to the coordinator a list
  9. with name, age, gender of the students
  10. School Introductions must be ready and shared
    deadline 15 February 2017 all  in   Artworks 2017 - Spring Dialogue among teachers will take place in D/D Project FB Group
  11. the Coordinator to match the schools and their students.
    You will find the list  on the page   Artworks 2017 - Spring and you will be informed via FB. 

Deadline : 15 February 2017


(Introductory Study - 2 Lessons + homework) Optional but recommended if you want to achieve the successful curriculum goals. 

  • Teachers introduce the project to the students, display to their students the School Introduction Page created under    Artworks 2017 - Spring-and invite them to add more details to promote a better  knowledge among the partner

    • Some possible suggestions,  if you have time available, not compulsory: 
      - What's a well-done description? How to organize a descriptive text? Look at the templates from some famous books that Kidlink   has choosen for you. Read and analyze them (or others that you prefer) with your students. Suggest them new and more      precise words to describe their face so that their partners will be able to draw a portrait easily.  Go to Resouces pages  

    - Let the pupils write together a description of the face of an idol or hero they choose. It is important that they try to follow the phases from the templates they studied and use the words they have learned.

Now students are ready to write their descriptions. Working in pairs can make it easier!

STEP 2° 

(If teachers do not plan that students are registered to Kidlink to publish their page on their own.)

By 30 October

  • Teachers can create a page every 5 or 6 students where to put their descriptions . They can use a table with 3 columns and 5 or 6 rows: name, description and later the coordinator will add the portrait. Look at this Template. Teachers can create a page each student if they prefer; in this case the portrait will appear larger. (height about 350)
  • Teachers of the matched schools read/print the descriptions and distribute them to their students to make portraits.
  • Teachers have to scan the portraits and send them to the coordinator
  • Coordinator will post the portraits near the descriptions.

STEP 2° bis (If  students create their pages in Kidspace on their own) 

(Computer Lab Activity - 1 Lesson)  

  1. Teacher register the students to Kidlink . Check the instructions below (Step 2 bis)
  2. Students by their username and password,  create their personal pages starting from their School Introduction Page. The title of this personal page will be:  Kidspace nickname. E.G: St.Raymond -EmelieF  
  3. Teachers will receive an alert email with a link* by which they can activate their students'pages and make them visible.
  4. Students write/paste their descriptions  in their webpages previously created

enlightenedLook out: you need to be logged into Kidspace before clicking on the link*

enlightenedBe careful ! Students'pages  have to be created  by your School Introduction Page. Otherwise you will not  receive alert emails to activate them! enlightened

STEP 2 bis. Register your students:

If you want your students get a login in order to work autonomously and are  able to share comments with partners. Read here the instructions.


 enlightenedenlightenedBe in touch by FB, to inform your partner teacher about problems, delays, missing students ecc It's  essential to the success of the project and to avoid dampen the enthusiasm of the kids, work in sync with your partner. D/ D is a cooperative project and can not be done alone!

 STEP 3°  

The students discuss about descriptions and share comments    (Computer Lab Activity - 2 Lessons)

  • Now that all the descriptions are online or shared by email, students can read and discuss if information is sufficient to draw a portrait likeness. What is missing? It has been shown hair color? hairstyle? the shape of the nose? 
  • In this case, students can require the missing details using the option Add comment on the bottom of the webpage or via email

enlightenedTeachers have to check their inbox  regularly to see if partner students have posted comments to get more details, they need to activate them and allow students to answer as soon as possible.

STEP 4°  The students draw the portraits  

(1 Art lesson + Homework)

  • Not all students are good at drawing, but they should commit to follow the directions in the description as possible. The portraits will be more or less attractive depending on the age of the students, the support or not of the art teacher or the time available.
    When the portraits will be ready, every teacher has to scan/photo them and then to send them as attachment to the coordinator
  •  (It's no possible edit pages of your partner if you are not the owner or the administrator). Size of your picture, must not exceed as width or height 600 pixels. Format must be: .jpeg/.jpg or .gif  
  • Teachers can also provide directly exchange portraits themselves without coordinator's help. They only have to say it to us.
  • In order to be sure each portrait reaches its correct destination, once scanned, the file name must be the kidspace's nickname of the kid who has been drawn.
  • During the activity the kids are invited to post comments asking for more useful details to draw a better portrait
  • It's possible organize some Skype sessions.



I am excited to have my students join - I'm thinking of having 6th graders (11-12yrs) participate.

Your students are always welcome Theresa and as you can see there are many Italian students ready to work togheter!

Charles Town Middle School is looking forward to it's second year in a row participating in Desribe and Draw!