Special recognition

The  Kidlin Wall of Fame


These good people, who are not active in Kidlink anymore, have made such extraordinary contributions that they merit special recognition:
Nancy Stefanic - Co-founder, USA 
  • Played an important role in Kidlink's two first years. 
Mark Hunnibell, USA 
  • Worked an impressive number of hours for Kidlink during four hectic years.
  • Set up Kidlink's initial World Wide Web, Gopher, and IRC Chat network.
  • Coordinated annual celebrations.
Mike Burleigh, United Kingdom 
  • Established our KIDPROJ mailing list, and headed it for several years. Served on the Board of Directors
  • We also like to recognize Doug Luce (USA),  Rich Naylor (New Zealand), and Lars-Erik Nilsson (Sweden) for their long term support!

Thank you very much!


Odd de Presno
Kidlink Society Executive Director


Stellan Kinberg
Kidlink Association Chairman