ABOUT THE ARTIST ---------------- 

        Name: Andraz Lumbar
        Age: 12
        School: Trnovo Primary and Secondary School
        City: Ljubljana
        Country: Slovenia
        Approximate Date Answers sent to RESPONSE: Student's email
        address: 15. April 1997

        ABOUT THE ARTWORK ----------------- 

        Title: Many trees in green and red
        Date work was created: 2. April 1997
        Hardware used: IBM - PC
        Software used: Paintbrush
        (Theme: Artist's comment: My tree (in imagination or real)
        Connection to KIDPROJ or KIDFORUM topics:

        ABOUT THE CLASS --------------- (if work was done in a school)
        Name of teacher: Cveta Leban Kind of class: The fifth class
        Assignment given to students: Drove a dree which means you
        more then others. It can be a real one or one which you imagines
        Teacher's email address: connect to
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Updated April 19, 1997


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