
Math Around Us

When most of us think about math, we think about it as a subject taught in school, outside of the context of our day-to-day lives. But in truth, math is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. Students participating in the Math Around Us project will explore different ways to look at math in the real world.

Project Moderator: Janice Rozich

Age Group: Students of all ages are welcome to participate on their level.

Timeline: Math Around Us will run from October 2002 until the end of June 2003.

Because it is made up of different activities to be introduced one per month, you can participate in all or part of the project, whatever best fits your needs.

Each month, we will introduce a new activity. You can see the monthly activities described in detail here:

Math Around Us

How to Join: Participating students register for this project by answering the 4 Kidlink questions that are found here:

After students have answered the 4 Kidlink questions they or their teacher can post their math work the Kidproj mailing list:

Join that list here:

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Teachers are asked to familiarize themselves with all elements of KidSpace by reviewing the KidSpace Hints page

the How to Administer Student Pages

and subscribe to the Kidproj-coord mailing list:

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 Page updated 2012-11-09 09:35:15
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