
CBTis No. 66

Greetings from Mexico!  

We are the Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico industrial y de servicios No. 66; better known as CBTis No.66.

We welcome our sister schools: Crestbridge School (Nigeria) and Jiangcui Junior High School (Taiwan). 

On these links, you can listen to some intro videos the students created for you. 

We are looking forward to collaborating with you!


Our school is quite large. For this project, 145 students were signed up. They all wanted to make questions! 

However, we selected ten entries -as the project states. We adapted from the bank of questions that was created by each teams of ten students. 

Here is our official selection: 

1.- How many languages do you speak?
2.- Are there green areas in your school and city? 
3.- What is the rapport like between teachers and students in your school?
4.- Which subjects do you study at school? 
5.- What kind of strategies do you use in your school to make it sustainable?
6.- What types of energy do you use in your country?
7.- How do you reduce energy consumption in your house?
8.- What dishes does your school canteen usually offers?
9.- How many festivals related to Nature does your country/city observe?
10.- How do companies contribute to pollution in your country?

If you want to listen to ALL the questions each team had, please click on the links and send them love!

Thank you so much for cheering them all. They worked really hard.


Dear friends, 

Here are our answers to your questions 
Please, click on your beautiful flag.

Answers for Jiangcui Junior High School, Taiwan

Answers for Crestbridge School, Nigeria:

We loved working with you, and look forward to learning more about Taiwan and Nigeria. 
Due to Time Zones, it seems it is rather complicated to have a live session, but let us know if you ever need to/want to have one


 Page updated 2022-06-02 20:40:44
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