
School #18, Russia

Hello, dear friends,

This is the fifth year for our school to participate in the Kidlink Schools Around the World Global Video project! 

During this period we made a lot of new friends, discussed a lot of interesting topics, learned new things about the world and found out new ways of communication and collaboration! We are using technologies to discuss topics.

The topic for 2021 spring session is Life Below Water. It's the same as the SDG 14 - one of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
We will talk about sea pollution, marine litter, endangered species, how sea pollution impacts the underwater life, people's lives and what we can do to protect marine life.

We are excited about this new season and look forward to hearing from you! 

These are our Questions to our teammates from Nigeria and Ukraine: 

1 What animals live in the waters of your country?
2 What marine animals are threatened with extinction?
3 How does global warming affect marine species?
4 How do people harm and pollute marine life?
5 How does marine debris affect underwater life?
6 What endangered underwater species are there in your country or out of it?
7 Is marine litter dangerous for people? How?
8 In your opinion, why don’t people step onto the path of correction?
9 Do you think it’s possible to improve the situation? What can we do?
10 What would you like to create or design to save the aquatic life?

Our answers to the Ukrainian students' questions:

Our answers to the Nigerian students' questions: 

 Page updated 2021-04-11 11:49:58
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