
CBTis No. 66 - Mexico

The Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico industrial y de servicios No. 66 (CBTis No.66, for short) is a public technological high school in a city called Tierra Blanca, which is part of the province of Veracruz, by the Gulf of Mexico. 

Our school provides core studies for freshmen, and specialties for sophomore and senior students. 
The offered specialties are: ElectricityAccountancyProgrammingMaintenance of Computers, and finally Industrial Production of Food
Regardless of the chosen specialty, students have English lessons 5 out of 6 semesters. 

For the project D/D Describe myself, you sill Draw me, the selected class are freshmen from the specialty of Maintenance of Computers
The group is formed by 51 students, whose lessons start from 7 am to 1 pm. 
It is a class with lively students who enjoy music, gadgets, computer games, the internet and smartphone apps.
Their ages oscillate between 15 and 16 years old. The class is balanced in the number of boys and girls. 
They are interested in technology and enjoy using Flipgrid for school projects. They want to make international friends and collaborate with people from all over the world. 

Sometimes they feel nervous speaking English. This is the first time the have ever participated in an international project. Excitement is building up. I hope their level of anxiety towards speaking a foreign language decreases through this project. 

We are looking forward to meeting new schools around the globe! 

Looking forward to drawing your descriptions and share ours!
 Page updated 2019-05-01 14:36:00
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