
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 4, Gradinita Dumbrava Minunata, Rm. Valcea, Romania

Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 4,
Grădiniţa Dumbrava Minunată,
Rm. Vâlcea, România

Picture of school

Picture of Kindergarten

School Coordinates

Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 4, Gradinita Dumbrava Minunata, Rm. Valcea, Romania is located in the southern part of town Rm. Valcea, Romania. Here learn over six hundred primary and middle school children. Having judicial personality, incorporates Grove Wonderful kindergarten (Gradinita Dumbrava Minunata), where about 200 preschoolers aged 2-6 years, divided in two groups of ante preschool, and eight groups of preschoolers.
His teaching activity is one of socialization and preparation for school.

We are teachers of this group:
Teacher Ispir Iuliana-Florentina - I work twelve years in the kindergarten
Teacher Vlad Alexandra-Anamaria - I work for two years in the kindergarten.
We get along well in the class and so happened to work together, especially as we have a small family relationship: we are - the aunt and niece.
Children receive from us: education, but also much love.

Small Group - Droll Dwarfs
I ages 4-6 years, and I came to kindergarten from 1 September 2017.
Since then I have learned to work together, to play, to socialize and also not to cry for mommy.
We are: Ana, Rafi, Eva, Maria, Ade, Erika, Gabi, Vlad, Alex, Sofi, Carla, Victor, Luca, Simi etc.

 Page updated 2017-09-19 15:45:55
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