
Group 2C


My Name is Noah, I am a white male with a light tan skin tone. I am 12 years old with an oval head and a broad jaw line. I have dark brown hair. I am 5’’ 3’ and I have a pair of very bold eyebrows, with a scar in my right eyebrow. I have a pompadour  hairstyle from the 1980’s with thick lips. My eyelashes are about a cm long. I have a medium size button nose and bony cheeks. The bridge of my nose runs in between my eyes. My eyes are almond shaped and hazel.  My ears are about 2 ½ inches tall and my earlobes are uncontracted .  My mouth is about is about 1 ½ inches above my chin. I have a very sporty personality. I try to do as many sports as possible, but my favorite sport is American football. I try to practice as many sports in my spare time and love to throw around a frisbee. I have always been a quiet kid as I have been my whole life, that is always trying to help.

I am a male andI have small brown, almond shaped eyes that are averagely apart & horizontal also I have light brown skin and thick lips. I have slightly, brown curly “bedhead” hair and I have a cleft chin and brown eyebrows. My lips are slightly protruding and I have long eyelashes. I have an average sized mouth and also a round and medium nose. I have “free” earlobes with ear pits and darwin's ear point. Also, my eyebrows are resting above my eyes. Something about my personality is that I don’t sleep in often.
Hi! My name is Grace. I am a female. I have smooth skin and I am tan. I wear navy blue glasses that are 2.5 inches from the top of my head and my face is round. Also, my face is 7 inches tall and 5 inches wide. I have a less prominent chin. My hair is blonde and it is 3 inches past my shoulder. The part in my hair is in the middle and I do not have bangs. My hair is straight. I have my hair behind my ears. Also, my ear lobes are unattached and round. My mouth is 1.5 inches from my chin and I have a smile but my mouth is closed. I have a medium nose and it is also round. Also, my nose is 1 inch wide and 1.5 inches tall. My glasses are 4.5 inches wide and 1 inch tall. I have almond shaped eyes and they are 1 inch apart. I have blue eyes. I have long eyelashes and my eyebrows are right above my glasses. My eyebrows are the same color as my hair and my eyebrows are 1 inch long. Now let me talk about my personality. I love to read and play sports. I play soccer and baseball. I like to read the Harry Potter series and books that are fiction and have magic in them.
My name is Oliver  and I am 11 years old. I am a male. I have a roundish head. My Hair goes down to about my eyebrows in the front. My hair on the side is going down to about my earlobes, and in the back, it is down to about the middle of my neck. My hair slants to the right and is the color dark blonde. I have very thick hair. I have a medium to tall neck about 12-16 centimeters.  My eyes are almond shaped. They are Hazel. My nose is 8 cm long and 3 cm wide. My nose is roundish near the tip and flat in the middle. My eyebrows are 1 cm above my eyelid. I have slightly protruding lip sand  a rounded chin. My smile shows only my top teeth. My skin color is tan. I am a very happy person and I love being outdoors. I love going on hikes in my woods, and I love sports. Sports I play are basketball, golf, and cross country. I love running and I love to watch American football.
Hello! My name is Adriana  and I am from Ripon, Wisconsin. I am a girl. I have an oval shaped face and a rounded chin. I have pretty tan skin because I am Macedonian and Albanian. My skin is a tan I get this skin from my dad. I used to have curly hair until I got my first haircut then I lost it. But now my hair is wavy also I have dark brown hair at the top and then I have a light brown hair at the bottom because I have natural colors in my hair. My part is not exactly in the middle it is kind of to the side. My hair is 40.64 centimeters long and I usually wear my hair down. Also, I used to have longer hair and then it was past my shoulder but then a hair salon cut my hair to a bob and the ever since I have been growing my hair out and I plan on continuing it.  My eyebrows are dark but not really dark and it is not really light either. I have fine eyebrows because they are not bushy their just fine they are medium size at the top and then they get gradually smaller at the bottom. My eyebrows are not connected. I have hazel colored eyes they're not a dark hazel but a light hazel. My eyes are about average which makes them exactly 5.08 centimeters apart. My eyes are average size because their not bulging out to be big and they're not small. I have almond shaped eyes and they are horizontal. Also, I have brown glasses with a blue squiggly line on the side and they have an oval shaped lense with a slightly straight edge at the top. I also have short eyelashes. I have an average shaped mouth because my mouth is not small but it is not really big also I have thin lips. When I smile my teeth are showing bright and clear because I have a wide smile. Just a quick fact about me I have always had a huge smile like in my 4th and 5th-grade pictures you can barely see my eyes cause they are so squinted because of my smile. On a normal day, I just have a normal face on. So it is I guess straight but then a smile at the same time. I have a medium sized nose with a length of 3 centimeters long. Also, my nose is like in between my eyes.  My nose is 2.05 centimeters above my mouth. I also have a rounded nose at the bottom and I also have a rounded shaped nostrils. My ears are attached the whole way except for the part at the top. My ears are rounded at the bottom so they are not pointed. Also a few more things about me is that I have a scar on the top of my forehead because when I was getting my hair cut I fell forward and cut my head open then I needed stitches or I needed it to be glued and I got it glued cause my mom did not want to hear me cry. I also have had tubes in my ears and fun fact about
I am a female. My head is an oval shape and it is 7 in(width) by 8 in(length).  My chin is rounded.  My complexion is tannish because I swam in a pool all summer.  I have thin lips that are smiling and about two inches wide and ½ of an inch long, with regular white teeth.  My expression is friendly, funny, and nice.  I have a thin nose, and it is rounded to the point.  It is a little over two centimeters in width and four centimeters in height.  I have freckles across my cheeks and nose.  I have round diamond eyes that are hazel with expression and they are perfectly lined up with the top of my nose but are one centimeter away from it.  My eyes are one and ½ inches apart.  I also have pupils in the middle of my eyes.  About an inch above my eyes is my eyebrows. They are thin and about one inch apart.  They are each one and ½ inches long.  My eyelashes are connected to my eyes and are one centimeter long and curved upward.  My ears do not show with my Nike headband over it.  I have my hair up in a ponytail, and I do not have a widow's peak.  I also have earrings.  They are squares that are a centimeter in width and in length.  They also have little diamonds in them.  I have told you about my physical features, now let me tell you about my personality.  My personality is girly/sporty.  I like to dance with my friends and hang out with them after school.  I play soccer in the summer time.  Sometimes I like to go in my basement and paint on a big canvas and listen to music on my iPod when I want to be by myself.  My favorite subject in school is math.  I like math because I think I am good at it, and even though it can be hard sometimes, once I learn it, it’s easy.

 Page updated 2016-11-12 13:55:09
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