
Andrew B

Hi my name is Andrew B

I live near Sharptown Maryland


Who am I?

I am a boy at the age of 14.  I try to do my best in school.  I enjoy to be outside and with my friends. I am very sports orianted because I am very active.

What do I like?

Things i like to are ski, play soccer, play video games, travel, and many more exciting things with nature.  I am interested in many things most consist of technology like cars and etc. 

What are my dreams?

My dreams are to either be a helicopter pilot or a car designer. I want to be this because I enjoy technology and its advancements.

How do I want the world to be a better place to live when I'm older?

I want the world to be a cleaner planet.  I also want to be able to live whereI want to.  I want people to help create or find a clean renewable recourse.

What can I do now to help make the world a better place?

I can go green. I can do thisby recycling, using solar power, and using less energy.  Using less energy would consist of me buying lightbulbs  that don't use as much energy and reducing the usage of Airconditioning.

Click here to see my Ecolife page 



 Page updated 2011-03-31 16:56:29
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