
Constituent Meeting 5 April 2009

The Kidlink Association Board Constituent Meeting
Dated this 5th day of April, 2009, 14:00 GMT in Skype

Members attending this meeting are:
Stellan Kinberg, Jing Zhang, Pia Avolio de Martino, André Rombauts, Bonnie Thurber, Nicolò Ancellotti

  1. The meeting was called to order by Stellan Kinberg at 14:00 GMT

  2. The following Agenda was proposed and accepted by unanimously:
    1. Call to order
    2. Election of secretary
    3. Approval of last meeting minutes
    4. Acceptance of today's agenda

    5. Officer election
    - Election of Treasurer
    - Election of Deputy Chairman
    - Election of System Committee representative
    Election of Registration Committee representative
    - Election of Project Committee representative
    6. Other issues
    7. Next meeting
    8. Closing of the Meeting.

  3. Bonnie Thurber was unanimously elected Secretary for this meeting

  4. The approval of the minutes for the annual meeting was postponed because the minutes have not been completed.

  5. Officer election (14:20 GMT)
    a. Election of Treasurer
    Qualifications: needs to be from Europe, as the treasurer sign for the association.

    Account Book is available on :
    Main work to be done in November-February.
    André Rombauts was nominated and unanimously elected Treasurer

    b. Election of Deputy Chairman
    Helps the Chairman with Agenda, docs, general issues

    Pia Avolio de Martino was nominated and unanimously elected Deputy Chairman

    c. Election of System Committee representative
    Needs to be ready to jump in and do PHP and SQL admin.
    BonnieThurber and André Rombauts were nominated and Bonnie Thurberunanimously elected as System Committee representative. André Rombauts,Andrea Simonetti, Stellan Kinberg, Pia Avolio de Martino, Jing Zhang,Graziella, and Dan are currently members of the system team.

    d. Election of Registration Committee representative
    Get a group of volunteers
    to take care of registration and help develop security.
    Jing Zhang was nominated and unanimously elected as RegistrationCommittee representative. All Board members and Epi Sepulveda arecurrently members of the registration team.

    e. Election of Project Committee representative
    Pia Avolio de Martino was nominated and unanimously elected

  6. Other issues
    In lack of time, adjourned the meeting. Other issues will be discussed online and brought up in the next meeting. 

  7. Next meeting (14.55)
    We will decide the next meeting via email. We discussed April 17 and April 19 at 13.00 or 14.00 GMT.

  8. Closing of the Meeting (15:00 GMT)
    The meeting was adjourned at 15:00 GMT
 Page updated 2001-05-03 01:04:09
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Developed in Coldfusion by Bonnie Thurber, Bob Davis and Patti Weeg.
Rewritten in php by Grace Basilio and maintained by Kidlink Systeam
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