
Time Machine - The Task

Time Machine  - The Task   

This isn't what you expected to do on your birthday, is it? Nobody's going to believe you if you don't write down everything you do and see. Keep a journal in Word and show it to your teacher when you get back from your TRIP IN A TIME MACHINE.

1. You've just landed!

It's your birthday, remember? Find out what's happening in this place in this year on your birth date. Use these sites to help you find the information: CHOOSE ONE EVENT ONLY FOR YOUR REPORT

 Born Today
 Famous Birthdays
 History Channel
 BBC - On This Day
 Dates in History
 Features in History
 Daily Almanacs
 Time Capsule
 On This Day
 New York Times - On this day
Write all the answers in full sentences in your report.
Where exactly have you landed?
What's the name of the place? Does it have any meaning? Explain.
What year is it?
What event is happening today?
Why is it important?
Why do you think people in the present still know and read about this event?
Draw or find a map of the place you visited.

2. Birthday party!!

People are singing "Happy Birthday To You"! What language are they singing in? Write the first two lines of "Happy Birthday" in the language they are using.
What food is there at the birthday party?  Find a picture of that food.
What are  the names of three of the people there?

3. A tour around the place

Your new friends have very kindly offered to take you on a tour around this place.
What do you see around you? Describe at least one building. Include a picture if possible.
Describe at least one person. Include a picture if possible.

4. A talk with some of your new friends

You are sitting with your new friends in a quiet place and you're asking them questions about their life. Write the questions and the answers.

For example:

How do you get around?
What do you believe in?
What kind of celebrations do you have?
What kind of education do you have?
Think of another 4 questions to ask them about their culture and life.

5. Get back to the present

Hurry back into the Time Machine or else you won't be able to get back at all!


Write a paragraph about the Time Travel trip you have just taken. What did you enjoy about it and what didn't you enjoy?

6. Finishing your report

Gather all your information and post it with the following included:

Your Name
The Title (for example "A Trip to The Top of the Everest, 29 May 1953")
Check your spelling and language.
Include one or two images.
Include a bibliography at the end of the report. What internet sites or books did you use?

7. Present your report orally to the rest of the class

8. Submit your report to the Time Machine Project Page.


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