KidArt And Life-skills

"x" means life skill item is covered by KidArt projects.

Kidlink 4 questions and life-skills | Unicef on life-skills
Art by Minorim (10), Japan , 2003

Interpersonal communication skills - Verbal/Nonverbal communication. Active listening. Expressing feelings; giving feedback (without blaiming), and receiving feedback (dialogue to understand). Answering in own words, in own pictures, or a combination of words or pictures, so that their message comes loud and clear. x
Self-validation - Reviewing thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions, and recognizing that they may be different from another's perceptions and accepting that multiple views can still be valid. x
Decision making / problem solving skills - What do I want to be when I grow up? What can I do now - still being a kid - to make the world better the way I dream? Organizing goals and dreams and planning how to achieve them. Information gathering skills. Thinking back on beliefs or motives. Evaluating future consequences of present actions for self and others. Determining alternative solutions to problems. Reflective thinking about the effectiveness of choices. Analysis skills regarding the influence of values and attitudes of self and others on motivation. x
Cooperation and Teamwork skills - Expressing respect for others' contributions and different styles. Assessing one's own abilities and contribution to the group. Saying kind things (no put downs). Sharing ideas, accepting differences, following directions, staying on task, recording ideas. x
Advocacy Skills - Influencing skills & persuation. Networking and motivating skills. x
Critical thinking skills - Analyzing peer and media influences. Analyzing attitudes, values, social norms and beliefs and factors affecting these. x
Negotiation/refusal skills - Negotiation (learn to convince) and conflict resolution. Assertiveness skills. Refusal skills. x
Empathy - The ability to feel what another person feels. x
Skills for increasing internal place of control - Self-esteem/confidence building skills. Self awareness skills including awareness of rights, influences, values, attitudes, rights, strenghts and weaknesses. x
Skills for managing feelings - Anger management. Dealing with frustration. Dealing with grief and anxiety. Coping skills for dealing with loss, abuse, trauma.


Skills for managing stress - Positive thinking. Time management. x
Health issues - Drug abuse awareness, good nutrition, value of exercising and fitness. x

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