The  Overall  Winner  is :  (Give Oso the Puppy a Friend and a World..)


"OSO" by MiltonV (7)boy, from Bolivia 2004
Congratulations MiltonV! We just love your colourful drawing and think Oso will make a great pet.
We particularly like the unusual colours you have used and the way you have drawn the face - it all goes together to make a very happy and interesting pet. The way you have drawn Oso, jumping and turning in the air looks very energetic and at the same time his face is very cheerful. We're sure that all visitors will like to be welcomed by this puppy (cachorro means puppy in Spanish) to his Kidlink house.

 Greetings to all participators from
Caroline and Juris

And click to see the two special
"Highly Commended" awards here:

Do you agree with the opinion of the  international jury? Take a look at the Pet Album in the ShowCase where all the works are. 
This Competition is over, but Cachorro needs more friends..He wants to visite his friends.. How do They live?

About Oso and the Kidlink Team  HERE
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