Kidlink Registration
1. Teacher registration
To participate in Kidlink projects it is usually enough to make a teacher registration. You must do this registration if you are a teacher that wants to lead your students in a global dialog. You must answer among others, these questions:
1. Who am I?
2. What do I like?
3. What are my dreams? Why?
4. Why am I here in Kidlink?
The answers you give to us during registration, will be read by moderators and if they are approved, they will be published in the users profile and will be readable for all the members in the Kidlink community.
2. Management registration
Registration to become a manager or to participate in a Kidlink forum
This registration is required for teachers who need to participate in a Kidlink Forum, like e.g. Landmark, D/D or want to be a project manager.
As a teacher, please keep a photo of you ready to be uploaded, as this is required for teachers. You will also need to answer these questions:
1. Who am I?
2. What are my dreams? Why?
3. Why am I here in Kidlink?
The answers you give to us during registration, will be read by moderators and if they are approved, they will be published in the users profile and will be readable for all the members in the Kidlink community.
Art by GiadaC - Italy