AofA revision 2012

AofA Revision 2012

Kidlink Association
Established 2011/12/30


Change proposals for the Annual Meeting 2012.

Kidlink Association AofA are available at

This document contains a copy of the Kidlink Association AofA and has proposal suggestions for the Annual Meeting 2012. Here are the proposals so far:

  1. Article 13. Vacancies is not defined in the text "Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Board of Directors for the balance of the year." must be followed by "Vacancy in the Board is when a Board member has not been able to follow the rules written in the Article 14 for at least three months without previously informing the Board of the vacancy."
  2. Article 9 is unclear about the member dues payment time limit. The article says that the member "must pay member dues no later than 31/1".  It does not say why the member must pay before the 31 January. Membership can be paid later but that the member will not be allowed to vote at the Annual Meeting for that year. We propose the text in Article 9 become "must pay member dues no later than 31 January to be allowed to vote at the Annual Meeting starting 1 Febuary that same year. Membership can be paid anytime durning the year for that year."
  3. Article 13 says that the board must have one youth representative. We are proposing that the board should have two youth representatives. This makes an even number of board members,  but because we work to reach consensus, the even number may not be a problem. 
  4. Article 11 states noting about the election for a one (1) year student representative. Issue 8 in the Annual Meeting agenda must be "election of one/two student representative members for a one year term.".