Articles of Association revision 2016

  • Articles of Association revision 2016
    This revision proposal was not linked correctly in the notice. We are sorry for the mistake.

    A few notes about the revision 2015:   We suggest therefore that the deputy chairman is mentioned in the article 7 and of course elected in the Annual Meeting. (Old text from previous revision.Not relevant for this revision.


    About article 9

    • Article 9. Missing "otherwise"

    About article 11

    Article 11. TThe deputy chairman should be elected by the Annual Meeting as this chair signs for the KA.

    Changes in  article 13
    The count two (2) at large members is wrong. Should be four (4) to become in total 8 ordinary members.


    actual version

    Suggested new version

    Old Article 9

    First it says that membership must be paid before February 1th. Then it says it can be paid whenever during that year. A otherwise should be added.

    New Article 9

    must pay member dues no later than 31 January to be allowed to vote at the Annual Meeting starting 1 Febuary that same year. Membership can be paid anytime during the year for that year. must pay member dues no later than 31 January to be allowed to vote at the Annual Meeting starting 1 Febuary that same year. Membership can otherwise be paid anytime during the year for that year.

    Article 11

    TThe deputy chairman should be elected by the Annual Meeting as this chair signs for the KA

    Article 11

    Old Article 11

    1. election of Chairman and Treasurer for three year term
    2. election of the other new Board members for three year terms.

    New Article 11

    1. election of Chairman, treasurer and Deputy chairman for three year term
    2. election of the other new Board members for three year terms.

    Old Article13

    Motivation:  two at large members is wrong It should be four at large members to become 8 ordinary members in total.

    New Article 13

    Old article 13:

    The activities of this association shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of  eight ordinary members and three deputy members. The Board has one chairman, one deputy chairman, one treasurer, one secretary, two at large members and three deputy members. All Board members must be members of the Association and are elected at the Annual Meeting for three-year terms.

    • The activities of this association shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of  eight ordinary members and three deputy members. The Board has one chairman, one deputy chairman, one treasurer, one secretary, four at large members and three deputy members. All Board members must be members of the Association and are elected at the Annual Meeting for three-year terms.