

Hello, my friend) It’s nice to meet you here. How areyou? I think you are OK. And I’m OK too. I live in Russia. It’s very big andbeautiful country.

Now I’ll try to describe myself and you’ll tryto draw myJ.

Hi my name is Anatoly. I'm a boy. I am 12 years old. My skin is light- light -light brown-pink. My face is round . My hair isdark brown and short. It is a little bit curly. I have got light browneyebrows. My nose is medium size and straight. My lips are also medium. There are some freckles on the face. My brown eyes are not very big and they arealways funny and kind. I have a bang on the right side of my forehead.

I am veryfriendly, nice and kind.

Good luck my friend!

 Page updated 2015-03-31 13:31:26
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