

Hello, my name is Grace I am in fourth grade and I live in Lockport Illinois U.S.A . I like to dance, read, play volleyball, and basketball. My dreams are to read one thousand books and to become a professional dancer. My gender is female and my face shape is round. My chin shape is less prominent and my chin is round. My skin color is light brown. My hair type is wavy and I wear it usually down with a headband. My hair is a little bit past my shoulders. I do not have a widows peak. My hair color is light brown. Next, I will tell you about my eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose , and mouth.


              The color of my eyebrows are light brown. My eyebrows are not that thick and my eyebrows are not connected. My eye color is light blue and my eye size is average. My eyelash length medium and the color of my eyelashes is black. My mouth size is average and you will always see me smiling and I have braces. My noise size is small. I am so excited to do this project!



 Page updated 2015-03-28 18:08:04
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