
3. Planning a 3 days visit

Virtual Vacation - Questions&Activities

"Planning a 3 days visit"
Working Stage 3

Each  "Discussion Questions" and "Activities" are optional. Decide with your students what questions to answer,what activities to work on and which final products you will share here.

Usually, the learning process starts with a face-to-face discussion in a classroom or some other meeting place.  After the discussion, conclusions and views are shared with peers through the personal pages in Kidspace.  

3. Phase:Planning a 3 days visit
Now you plan your own trip, ask for additional information if you need it and give information to those planning to visit you if they ask for it. Remember that you should plan carefully so that you get the most out of the visit. Well prepared visits are more successful.
 You help each other to plan for a three day visit. These plans will include both the visit and the reception by the hosts You will discuss different cultures and the importance of accepting and celebrating our world's cultural diversity.
Are there things/events that are so different from what the visitors are used to at home that they have to see/join in them? Is there some special food that visitors should try? any traditional food?

Here are some questions that you might like to find answers to. Remember that you don't have to answer them all and you can also add your own questions

Discussion Questions  
  1. Did you arrive at the precise time? How was the journey? Did something funny happen? Did all your luggage arrive too? Whom did you meet at the airport? Were your friends there to meet you?
  2. How do you communicate? Do you understand each other?
  3. What is your first impression of the place you are visiting? How is the weather? How do you like the view?
  4. How are the lodgings where you decided to stay?
  5. How do you behave as a guest? Do you have to take special things into consideration? Why? Do you think you are a good guest to have?
  6. Communicate with your hosts. Sometimes people find it difficult to find something to talk about when they meet for the first time. How do you break the ice? What do you find in common to discuss?
  7. Here is your first dinner. What are you getting? Do you like it? Do you have to pay for it yourself? How much does it cost?
  8. What are your plans for the rest of the day? Are you tired? Do you need to take a nap or do you want to go out and look around? Maybe buy some postcards to send to your family?
  9. Your hosts invite you out for something special. What is it? Do you like it? Is it different from home?
  10. What happens in the evening? Did you go to a "Welcome-party? If so, how did you like it?
  11. Do you get to the places you had planned or do you have to change your plans?
  12. How is your budget working? Do you think you will have enough money? Do you want to have more, or do you still have money left?
  13. When you are leaving, what will you miss? What have you learned? Have you made new friends? Do you feel that you are comfortable with kids in a different place?
  14. What stories are you going to tell when you come home? What was most exciting? Frightening?
  15. Did you buy any gifts for the people at home? Which? Did you get some souvenirs?
  16. Remember to say goodbye to your new friends and plan to keep in touch!
  17. How was the journey back home? What did you feel coming back home? Some people say "There is no place like home". Do you think that is true?
  18. Do you think you will soon go on another journey or do you think this will do for the time being.
  19. Sum up your trip. Did your vacation go according to your plans? Did something happen that you hadn't foreseen? Last but not least: How did you do as a group?


  1. Write a "Travellers Diary" and post it in a new kidpage. You arrive and your friends are there to welcome you....You visit the places you have heard and read about. Your plans and schedule for the visit will now be put to a test. Tell us all about what happens and how your plans work out.
  2. Post some recipes for the food you are going to prepare for your hosts in your pages.
  3. Write a postcard to your family describing how you like the trip.
  4. Listen to music from the place you are visiting. Do you like it? How would you describe it? Do you understand the words? Can you create a similar kind of music? Write about your experience of the music at the place you are visiting.
  5. Draw pictures of what you saw on your trip. Share them with others on a web page or send them to a place recommended by the moderator.
  6. Write an essay about your trip. Tell what you did like and what you did learn during the trip. Ask your hosts for information if you need.
  7. Calculate how far you did travel. Do you use miles or kilometres? Why not calculate both? How do you exchange currency from your currency to the currency in the place you are visiting? How do your hosts measure heat? Fahrenheit or Celsius? Can you calculate both? Make a table where you can compare different results depending on what calculation you use.

Meetings for travellers on Kidlink's Chat Network are planned so hosts and travellers can talk about what they are doing.

Your moderator will inform you about dates and time.

At any point in the project, the exchange of postcards, pictures, travel brochures, posters, and videos of places visited or to be visited would be great! These would make a wonderful bulletin board display!

NEXT PAGE: Journeys and Visitors

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WAI Program

By Asya : Future city

The Projects

2. Where do I live?


 Page updated 2011-01-03 17:06:22
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