
2. Where Do I Live?

Welcome! And Happy New School Year !
Meet and Greet our Friends in our Global Classroom.

Four  questions to develop in your students 
a deeper knowledge of  their enviroment

One of the most exciting features of our online community is the fact that we come from all over the globe. Join us as we spend some time finding each other on the map and talking about the places where we live, we learn and have fun everyday.

Can You Find Me?

You describe your city or town and include interesting facts about the place where you live.Think about the physical characteristics of your area as well as the unique qualities of the people who live there. You will compare your area to the places where your online friends live. You will describe games you play and the work that grownups do where you live. Read more

Living Things Where I Live
Then you will take an online journey into the places where other participants live and look at the living things in those places. Who are the people who live in our areas? How do they make their living and spend their recreational hours? What animals and plants are found where we live? How are they surviving in the environment? Read more

The Places Where I Learn
You will focus on your education, in a school, at home, or in your environment. You will describe a typical learning day and your feelings about school, education and what you feel educates you. You are encouraged to collect information from each other and to compare learning situations around the world. Read more

Our Global Village
You will finally define yourself as a human being in the global village and celebrate our diversity through a deeper understanding and appreciation of our unique cultural richness. An International Dinner event to be held at participating schools is a suggested culminating activity.




- Questions & Activities
- Resources
- Objectives

WAI Program

By Asya : Future city

The Projects

2. Where do I live?


 Page updated 2009-08-02 12:01:59
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Developed in Coldfusion by Bonnie Thurber, Bob Davis and Patti Weeg.
Rewritten in php by Grace Basilio and maintained by Kidlink Systeam
Copyright ®1990-2027 Kidlink