Annual Meeting Minutes 2015

Annual Kidlink Association Meeting Minutes 2015

Kidlink Association c/o Stellan Kinberg
Bondegärdet 19, 42433 Angered,Sweden

 1. Call to order. On the 2nd day of February, 2015, The Annual Kidlink Association Meeting was Called to order:
The chairman Stellan Kinberg opened the Annual Meeting 2015 in!forum/kidlink-association 

2. Registration of members:
Chairman Stellan Kinberg asked members to confirm they are receiving annual meeting emails. All voting members are in good standing with dues paid to date.

3. Election of meeting chairman . On the 2 of February 2015 The Kidlink Association elected its Annual meeting Chairman 

Bonnie Thurber was elected chairperson of the meeting. 

4. Election of meeting secretary and minutes verifier and votes counter. 
On the 8 day of February 2015 Joyce Fisher was elected secretary of the meeting and Pia Avolio de Martino was elected as minutes verifier and vote counter.

5. Approval of meeting notice: on the 14 day of February the Kidlink Association Meeting Notice was approved:
The Annual meeting 2015 notice was sent 31/1 2015 according to the AofA rules The majority of members confirmed and approved the meeting notice.

 6. Adoption of the meeting agenda: On 19 of February 2015 vote to approve the Annual Meeting notice was called:
The meeting agenda as documented in the Annual Meeting notice was approved by a majority vote

7.8. The Board's Annual Report and Financial Statement with the Auditor's review. On 21 of February 2015 the Board's Annual Report 2014, Financial Statement 2014 and Annual Plan 2015 was presented to the membership:

The Board's Annual Report 2014 and Plan 2015 : 
Financial Statement 2014
On the 25 of February the majority of members confirmed and approved the Board's Annual Report 2014, Financial Statement 2014 and Annual Plan 2015.

9.  Approving of the previous Boards work. On the 28  of February 2015 after review of the Kidlink Board of directors work:
The Kidlink Association members voted to grant discharge to the Board for 2014. Thus granting approval of the Board of director previous work.

10, Establishing membership duesMembership dues as listed in  On the 1 of March membership dues were approved by a majority of members who confirm to be  satisfied with this dues structure

11. Motions from the Board and the Members.   No motions from Members
The board sent to the members a Aofa revision suggestions.

11 a. AofA Revisions at
On the 6 of March The AofA revisions were approved by two thirds of the Kidlink Association membership

12. Election of three ordinary members for three years term: Joyce Fisher, David Donat and Larisa Tarasevich were nominated and voted in as ordinary members until 2018 by a majority vote. 

13. Election of three deputy members for 0ne year term:  Julia Karaban, Theresa Aleen and Manoel Araujo Filho  were elected by secret ballot by the Association members, as deputy members for one year terms
The Board has made some changes in roles: Stellan remains Chairman. Pia Avolio de Martino is now Deputy Chairman. Domenico FIlippini is now Treasurer. Bonnie is now a regular board member.

14. Election of auditor for a one year term: There were no nominations.  No auditor elected .

15. Vote to approve the minutes as writtten:  

16. Closing of the meeting: 1 of April 2015