The Diamond Poem


My Diamond Poem

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Pastel drawing "The Dragon" by Brian C., Male, 
Yonkers, New York, U.S.A., 2003

Picture edited with computer  by JulioT., Male, 12 years old
Parets del Vallès (Barcelona), Spain., 2013

The Dragon

ferocius, violent

The Dragon is a monster

Inferno, fire



funny, strong

It’s my favourite sport, typical in Catalonia

brain, team

to roll

I am fascinated with the mythological dragon.  Many days I sketch the dragon in black and white or color using pencils, magic markers or paint.  The aura around a dragon is one of strength and power. I like team sports and I like very much Hokey. I play hokey at Mollet HC Club since many years ago. The things I like the most about this sport are: team work and friendship between players.


  • Create a picture or drawing using a computer graphics program or a handmade artwork (as a painting, sculpture…)

  • Take a photograph or use any other visual medium to save your work as a gif, jpeg, jpg file

  • Write a diamond poem related to your Artwork

  • Write some sentences or more describing your Artwork

  • (optional) Record the poem and save as a midi or wav file

  • Save all in your kidlink page, at Kidspace (look for your school presentation page and create your personal page under it)
  • During the project, students are invited to dialogue one each other through posting comments in their partners pages

Example of our "diamond poem":

A noun
Two adjectives
A complete sentence
Two nouns
A verb



  • Registration - until november 6th
  • Dialogue, artworks and poem publication - until november 27th
  • Closing collaborative project - November 30th


Teacher Center: Do you want carry out your project for the best? Don't forget to read this page